Tag Archives: illness

Glad January is over!

February isn’t starting off so great, but it’s all in perspective, right? My toddler has croup. I think he’s getting better, but Friday and Saturday were rough. Last night I took him to the ER, after he started vomiting. They treated his fever and nausea, and then gave him an oral steroid for his throat inflammation. Today he wasn’t coughing as much, just super crabby.

It was a gorgeous day outside, so I finally felt comfortable taking him out. In fact, I thought the fresh air would do him some good. And it did…at first. The track where I run goes by two playgrounds. He didn’t understand why I wouldn’t stop and let him play with the other kids (I didn’t want him to infect anyone). So he’d cry. When he cried, his coughing fits would start. Add to that the fact my yoga pants kept falling down (that’s NEVER happened before). I stopped running a little after 1 mile and was able to walk another. It was really frustrating. I almost wanted to cry for a minute, but I just have to persevere.

The good news is that my average pace while jogging was 9:18 min mile. All through January I was averaging a 10 min mile or worse. Of course, that was only for a mile, so I don’t know how long I could’ve kept it up, but I was feeling pretty good.

I didn’t meet my Winter Miles Challenge this week. I missed it by about a mile, that’s it. Frustrating, but I just have to do better next week.